Welcome to another What is it Wednesday.
With all the hot weather we have been having lately, please give some thought to how it was 100 years ago. Ice was cut in the months of January and February, from frozen lakes and rivers. It was take by horse and wagon or sled to the local ice house. It was then put into a pit, packed with straw or saw dust. It was stored and shipped to homes or the southern states. The ice had to be between 10 and 12 inches thick
to cut. To much freezing rain made for cloudy ice, so clear ice was the best to have. Harvesting ice only lasted a few weeks, and had to last the whole year. The ice tongs where used to handle the big ice blocks.
Besides being shipped to the southern states, it was delivered to homes and place in the old ice box.
Wooden boxes (later lined with metal) ice placed inside would keep food from spoiling. Only enough food was cooked for each meal, so storage of left overs was not a problem. The ice tong was manufactured from the middle of the 1800 to around 1930. As electric refrigerators came into fashion the harvesting of ice, ice house, the use of ice tongs or ice picks where no longer needed.
Today we stay in our air conditioned homes, cars, and we do not go out much in the heat. We need a cold drink, we go to the refrigerator, get our cold drink, place in a frosty mug, add some ice from the freezer! So much easier then cutting ice blocks, and storing them all year long.
You can use old ice tongs as a paper towel holder, toilet paper holder, towels. Hang from a peg and remember how lucky we are to have air conditioning! On this one I'm glad I'm living today!