
Abe Lincoln

“You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich...strengthen the weak by weakening the strong...bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift...lift the wage earner up by pulling the wage payer character and courage by taking away people’s initiative and people permanently by doing for them, what they could and should do for themselves." -Abraham Lincoln

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Dirtroad Team Contest


The Dirtroad Team on Etsy is having a contest.  Follow the link below and have some fun.  

What inspires your creativity?
The Dirt Road Artists used this amazing image 

to "Get Inspired" and create wonderful 
works of art.  
We would like your help in selecting the most creative "Get Inspired" item from those displayed below.  Please vote for your 
favorite item, then register for a chance 
to win our great prize, "Handwoven Corn" donated by Baskets by Rose.  

Thanks for playing!

Here is the link and have some fun!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Guest with Morning Coffee

This morning while taking a break and enjoy some more coffee, I had two friends walk up the neighbors drive way and visit.  These two where not afraid of me opening the door to take their picture.  The first one is through the screen, and the rest I was able to walk out on the deck.  After having a snack on some leaves they walk away happy.  I loved having some company with my coffee this morning.  Wonder if they will come back and visit again.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

PAFA Simon Says Challenge

We have been asked to pick three items, shops and post about them on our blog.  Well I have a lot going on in the next couple of weeks.  So here is what is going on in my life.  First I'm hosting a bridal shower for my niece.  

Always And Forever Yours Sign, Wedding, Anniversary, Bridal shower, Engagement, Love, Romance
This sign from Dee over at Ice House Crafts.

Two weeks after the shower my son and daughter in law are leaving for a year long deployment to Afghanistan.
Hooah it's an Army Thing primitive wood sign

This cute sign is from Patti's Primitives

Two weeks after my kids leave home, my niece is getting married!
Wooden Globe Wedding Lovebird Keepsake Customized For Your Wedding

This cake topper is by Wicked Faerie Queen.

The Primitive and Folk Art Team has something to offer for everything going on in your life.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

A redo on a old chair

This is a picture of the rocking chair after I clean and redid the seat.

Here is some pictures of the rocking chair before the redo.

I love the way the rocking chair turned out.  The couple who own this rocking did not want me to strip the finish off, just clean it up and redo the seat.  This great old chair belonged to his grandmother and has been sitting in the garage for years.  From trash to treasury! 
Do you have an old chair that needs to be redone?  Let me know and I will be happy to help you out.

Yes it is very hot and dry out and that is my burned out lawn!  I can only water the flowers and garden to much lawn for watering.

Dirtroad Team - Homeschool Hats and Into the Tree's

Welcome friends, it is good to be back from vacation.  While you are inside staying cool check out the shops I have found for you today.  The first shops is Homeschool Hats.  Joni a busy mother of 3, who  home schools her children.  In her free time she makes some wonderful knitted and crochet hats, cowls, and finger less gloves.  It maybe very hot outside but cold weather will be here before you know it.  Everything would make a great stocking stuffier.

The next shop is Into the Tress. Janet is a self taught artist who makes fun art from palm frond wood. Each palm is a one of kind art piece. Her fish are so real looking and the masks are so much fun to look at. Besides painting on tree palms she also makes soap and has a vintage store on Etsy. All are great shops to spend some time in.

Enjoy your visit with these shops today and remember you can type "drat dirtroadteam" into the search bar on Etsy and find more amazing shops from small towns.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Pioneer Loft July, 2011 Millersburg, Ohio

I had the chance to visit Pioneer Loft again and bring Denise some more baskets.  Her shop is better then before.  If you have time this summer drive over and visit Denise and her amazing shop.  It is a lot better in person then my old camera.  This time the Amish where out cutting hay with horse and wagon, and driving all around with their horse and buggy's.   Drive carefully and feel the blood pressure lower in your body.  Both trips have been wonderful and I'm looking forward to a visit soon.  Maybe this time I can do some weaving for everyone to watch!  Enjoy the pictures I have taken.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Baskets by Rose in Farmington and Ann Arbor this weekend

Farmington DDA

Farmington Artisan & Farm Market

Great fun will be found at the Farmington Artiisan and Farm Market on Sauturday July2, 2011.  From 9 till 2 you will find fresh fruit, vegetables, bread, eggs, milk, cheese, meat.  Plus soap, flowers,  art work for your home or gift giving.  Lil Sprouts will be back for the little ones to have some fun at while you shop.  Potter's field (country) will be back for their second appearance at the market.  Chief Donovan from Grand Celebration will be making a fruit salad.   Here is the link for the chief's and their recipes from demo days:

Zingerman's Camp Bacon

All this fun for Saturday then on Sunday at The Sunday Artisan Market in Ann Arbor (Kerrytown section) and Zingerman's will be hosting Camp Bacon.  If you love the smell and taste of good bacon this is the palace to be on Sunday.  This is a fund raiser for the Washtenaw 4 H clubs.  The artisan market will be open from 11 till 4 and camp bacon will run from 11 till 2.  Come hungry both days and leave happy.  Zingerman's is asking for a donation to the food part of the market.  After you have visited the market the Hands on Museum is two block from all of this fun.  Great day to spend in Ann Arbor and with your family.  Looking for to seeing everyone over the weekend. 

If I don't see you this weekend please have safe, fun filled weekend, and enjoy the 4th of July and our freedom!  

Happy 4th of July